"We take from Nature only what we can return"

Production of low environmental impact vases.
We process over 100 quintals of clay every day respecting the environment and the territory. Earth, water, air and fire are the four natural elements that we experience every day. Indulging them, respecting them and benefiting from their energy has always been our mission.

-95% emission of Volatile Organic Compounds. (VOC)
In non-terracotta products, or in our brand new colored terracottas, we only use water-based paints, managing to reduce the emission into the environment of VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) by 95%, dust which is sometimes the main cause of allergies and skin irritations.

The power of the Sun.
For 3 years we have equipped our structure with photovoltaic panels, managing to reduce the use of electricity by replacing it with a renewable energy source.

A market with low environmental impact.
The creation of eco-compatible products guarantees us the possibility of being appreciated by markets that embrace green philosophies.
AnticoMestiere product lines have always been made with respect for the environment. Our goal is to give back to Nature all that she gives us, day after day.
Stiamo cavalcando gli anni in cui vivere più green è possibile e doveroso a partire dalle scelte che compiamo quotidianamente nella nostra casa. Non abbiamo bisogno di stravolgere i nostri comportamenti ma è necessario utilizzare solo qualche buona abitudine, come circondarsi di oggetti belli, che siano anche amici dell’ambiente. Le piante sono le migliori amiche dell’ambiente: una casa più “green” è anche una casa più sana capace di trasmettere benessere a chi la vive. Le zone verdi all’interno delle abitazioni diventano vere e proprie isole di relax, serenità e rigenerazione, per alleggerire stili di vita sempre più stressanti.
La funzione del verde, quindi, non è puramente estetica. Negli ambienti domestici, spesso si respira un’aria che risulta essere maggiormente nociva di quella che si respira negli spazi aperti. In questo senso le piante giocano un ruolo fondamentale e svolgono il loro naturale processo di fotosintesi.
Purificano l’aria assorbendo sostanze nocive e rilasciano ossigeno. Se assumiamo più ossigeno, le nostre prestazioni fisiche, comprese le facoltà mentali, ci ringrazieranno. Anche la concentrazione avrà i suoi benefici, motivo per cui il verde è fortemente consigliato anche in uffici e luoghi di lavoro.

Eco Wood
Plants make excellent sustainable furniture but it is very important to know how to choose the right pot right pot. In this sense, the new Eco Wood collection encompasses all the best there is. The production of plastic-based, completely recycled and recyclable, is combined with natural wood waste, obtained from following its processing. Our proposal incorporates new shapes and colours and contains up to 33% of natural wood, facilitating its biodegradability.
The advanced technology of recycling natural waste from wood processing allows them to be used as a unique and original component for the production of the Eco Wood collection. On the basis of raw materials obtained from recycling, products are created that are characterised by high resistance and durability for the benefit of consumers.
Smooth or striped, round or square, high or low. The contemporary, minimalist design combines style, practicality and functionality.
Thanks to the use of natural wood in production, the vases combine natural beauty and timeless elegance. A refined and designer range.

Eco Wood contains up to 33 per cent natural wood, facilitating biodegradability
There is no doubt about it: a plant, placed in a special pot, can really make even a not particularly original living room elegant and harmonious, and in the same way can make any kind of space cosy. and harmonious even a not particularly original living room, and in the same way it can make any kind of space cosy.
Green gives identity and style so much so that in recent years, it has overturned the way we think about it in the home. Just mention the Urban Jungle style, the green trend of the moment that teaches us not to plants in the home, even if you live in a small flat or a city studio. or in a city studio apartment. With the indoor urban garden, you can turn any living space into a real tropical corner. living space a real tropical corner. Are you ready to create your own?